domingo, 30 de septiembre de 2012

Creating a haunted house using scientific methods

A psychologist is committed to creating a haunted house using scientific methods.
A psychologist phenomenology skeptical of paranormal hopes to create your own haunted house where paranormal phenomena can convene a simple triggering interruptor.El Dr. Richard Wiseman believes the ghostly experiences can be explained by a combination of fear, and effects such as electromagnetic fields , changes in temperature and low noise frecuencia.Planea put his theory to the test by controlling an environment that produces fear. Dr. Wiseman, of Hertfordshire University, told New Scientist magazine: "We want to build our own haunted house, so we have control of everything." "It would produce scientific results that really matter, and a huge amount of publicity , and it would be something historic. "
Dr. Wiseman believes unusual environmental effects play an important role in many ghostly sensations, and may even explain some experiencias.Los laboratory experiments have suggested that electromagnetic fields and "infrasound" - low frequency vibrations below audible limit - can induce hallucinations and feelings of inquietud.Hay also evidence that even a small drop in temperature can make your hair stand on end, like certain types of lighting, shapes and sizes habitaciones.Tales effects were considered in the research undertaken by Dr. Wiseman at two sites featured delighted Palace Hampton Court near London Bridge and South Bridge Vaults in Edinburgh Victoriano. "We showed that the people had strange experiences in the same places, and now we know they are based on environmental factors," said Dr. Wiseman.
In his haunted house, visitors would be terrified of speakers emitting infrasound, electrical coils hidden behind pictures, and sudden air currents generated by hidden vents in rodapies.También have control over the lighting, the arrangement of the rooms, and features thereof. Dr. Wiseman hopes the house can finance itself by the large number of visitors expected to receive, especially if the home is associated with historic sites.

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